Meggie the Bad Cat's Blog
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Mommy's Christmas
Mommy wanted to show you where she and Daddy went for Christmas. I'm only doing this because Mommy sneezes near the end of the video and every time I watch it I giggle.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Daddy sent me this picture of Chiquita. I don't know why he thinks I wanted it, but he did, so here it is. Chiquita was helping him take pictures. Some help she is!
She can be such a brat sometimes.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Just Me Being Bad Again
I guess I was bad today. I tried to pull the buttons off the back of Mommy's sofa. Mommy gets angry when I do that. She said to me, "No, Meggie!" I ran and she covered the buttons up. When she wasn't looking I went back and tried to get at the buttons again. Mommy yelled again and I ran and hid under the chair. I am really good at hiding. See how you can't even see my tail sticking out from under this chair.
However, Mommy was not fooled. She found me and took a picture of me hiding under the chair.
Do you hide from your mommy?
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I Got a New Toy for Christmas
I have a brand new toy for Christmas. It was given to me by my aunt and uncle. I just LOVE playing with it. Here I am playing with my toy.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
It's Raining, It's Pouring, The Old Man is Snoring
It has been raining here for days and days. Finally it stopped this morning. Mommy had to go out in that terrible rain every day. Being a kitty, I hate rain and I didn't want to go out in it. Thank you, Mommy, for not taking me out in that terrible rainstorm. Many roads were closed because of the storm. San Diego hasn't seen so much rain in over 20 years. The San Diego River overflowed its banks and flooded hotels and apartment buildings. People were evacuated by boat. Mommy stayed away from the flooded areas because she is a very smart mommy and listened to the radio. This is the view from Mommy's car when she was driving yesterday. There is something very special at the end of it.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Mommy Went to a Party
Last night Mommy came home very late and I wondered where she was. FINALLY SHE CAME HOME! She said she had been at a party where she works. She gave me a picture of the party to post.
Looks like Mommy has been having way too much fun! I want to have some fun, too!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Stretching Out
Oh my goodness, but I do love my naps. Mommy took off the sheets today and she has this wonderfully warm, filled with feathers thingsmajig that goes on top of her bed. It is soooo comfortable. See for yourself.
I can really s t r e t c h out.
Monday, December 6, 2010
My Very Own Tree
Did you know I have my very own tree? Well, okay, so it's a cat tree, but I'm the only one who gets to use it. Well, okay, Chiquita got to use it when I was staying with Daddy when Mommy was gone, but that doesn't count. Does it? Mommy bought the tree just for me and she doesn't seem to have any need for it, so I'd say it's just for me. Here I am in my tree. Mommy puts it next to the window so I can look out at the birds and bunnies.
I like to hang my foot off the edge.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Rub a Dub Dub - I'm in the Tub
Today I decided to get in the tub and play. It was such fun. Of course, there was no water in it. I would never take a REAL bath. Sometimes Mommy takes me to the groomer's, but I would never go there on my own. NOT ON MY LIFE!! Rolling around in the tub is fun. Even though Mommy had my fur cut off I still have plenty left to keep me warm in the cold tub.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Hiding Behind Microwave
Today I decided to get behind the microwave and see what was going on back there. Mommy had just washed the counter, so she did not appreciate my efforts.
Can you find me?
Here I am looking at the crack and wondering if I would fit up there.
I just barely fit back here.
Hmm, a clock. Maybe I can pull the hand off with my teeth.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Day After Thanksgiving
Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? Boy, am I full. Mommy brought me lots of turkey last night. It was so yummy! I ate until my belly ached. Mommy also brought home some apple pie. That was really good as well. Mommy let me lick the plate after she ate the pie.
Today is Black Friday. Don't know exactly what that means, but Mommy went out and had her hair done. She still looks like Mommy though.
I think I mentioned before that Mommy is kind of dumb sometimes. Well, she did it again. She has a battery charger and last night she put two batteries in it to recharge them. You see, Mommy takes a lot of pictures and it gets rather expensive to keep buying batteries, so Mommy buys rechargeable batteries and just charges them instead. However, she made a mistake and put some regular batteries into the battery charger. That is a no-no. So the batteries exploded and ruined the battery charger, all at the same time. Mommy was mad. I thought it was rather funny. Haha. So today Mommy went out and bought a new battery charger and is now recharging batteries. She bought the battery charger at Radio Shack. It charges four batteries at once, so she is excited about that. The old one would only charge two batteries at once.
I didn't get to see Daddy today. He is coming over on Sunday to play cards. I just hope he leaves Chiquita home.
Love you much.
Today is Black Friday. Don't know exactly what that means, but Mommy went out and had her hair done. She still looks like Mommy though.
I think I mentioned before that Mommy is kind of dumb sometimes. Well, she did it again. She has a battery charger and last night she put two batteries in it to recharge them. You see, Mommy takes a lot of pictures and it gets rather expensive to keep buying batteries, so Mommy buys rechargeable batteries and just charges them instead. However, she made a mistake and put some regular batteries into the battery charger. That is a no-no. So the batteries exploded and ruined the battery charger, all at the same time. Mommy was mad. I thought it was rather funny. Haha. So today Mommy went out and bought a new battery charger and is now recharging batteries. She bought the battery charger at Radio Shack. It charges four batteries at once, so she is excited about that. The old one would only charge two batteries at once.
I didn't get to see Daddy today. He is coming over on Sunday to play cards. I just hope he leaves Chiquita home.
Love you much.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Gobble 'Til you Wobble
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Mommy went to a great big city north of here called Los Angeles. Yeppers, she left me all alone. It's okay though. Mommy will bring me back some turkey. I love turkey!
Mommy gets to see Daddy's family today. Mommy likes Daddy's family. Mommy used to be part of another family, but she said they weren't as nice to her as Daddy's family is. One Thanksgiving they left her all alone. Meanies! She seems glad they are out of her life. However, she does miss one member of that family. She says she loved him very much. She calls him Big George. Big George died and Mommy was very sad.
Mommy's own family lives far away - all over the world in fact. She doesn't get to see them this Thanksgiving. I'll bet she'll call them though. I'll bet she'll call her brother. Her brother has three ex-wives. Now he lives with someone. Maybe some day she will become wife number four. One of the ex's is still part of the family. That makes Mommy happy. She would miss her if she weren't part of the family.
Mommy thought about taking me to spend Thanksgiving with Molly and Chiquita, but I'd rather be alone than deal with them. Did I mention I am an only child? Yep. Mommy never had any children. She says she never wanted any. However, there are three children she thinks of as her own because their own mommy died. She doesn't get to see them much because they are all grown up and live all over the place. I do have a real half sister. She lives with Mommy Sarah. I saw her one day. I knew right away we were related because we look alike. She is a different color, but we still look alike. So now you know all there is to know about my family. And that's that.
Mommy gets to see Daddy's family today. Mommy likes Daddy's family. Mommy used to be part of another family, but she said they weren't as nice to her as Daddy's family is. One Thanksgiving they left her all alone. Meanies! She seems glad they are out of her life. However, she does miss one member of that family. She says she loved him very much. She calls him Big George. Big George died and Mommy was very sad.
Mommy's own family lives far away - all over the world in fact. She doesn't get to see them this Thanksgiving. I'll bet she'll call them though. I'll bet she'll call her brother. Her brother has three ex-wives. Now he lives with someone. Maybe some day she will become wife number four. One of the ex's is still part of the family. That makes Mommy happy. She would miss her if she weren't part of the family.
Mommy thought about taking me to spend Thanksgiving with Molly and Chiquita, but I'd rather be alone than deal with them. Did I mention I am an only child? Yep. Mommy never had any children. She says she never wanted any. However, there are three children she thinks of as her own because their own mommy died. She doesn't get to see them much because they are all grown up and live all over the place. I do have a real half sister. She lives with Mommy Sarah. I saw her one day. I knew right away we were related because we look alike. She is a different color, but we still look alike. So now you know all there is to know about my family. And that's that.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Me and the Microwave
I love boxes and microwaves look like boxes. Have you ever noticed that? I like to get inside and sleep. Here I am just coming out from the microwave. Mommy missed the picture of me sleeping in there. She didn't want you to think she was going to cook me.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I Am Not Bad!
Mommy says I am bad. I only wanted to see what was in the cupboard. As you know, I love noise, so I knocked the crackers onto the floor. Here I am exploring the cupboard. It was such fun.
Here I am hiding. Can you find me?
Here I am hiding. Can you find me?
Monday, November 15, 2010
My Weekend
Wow! What a weekend I had. Daddy came and picked me up on Friday and took me to his house. I was not happy because Chiquita still lives there. I hissed at her and she hissed back. Molly was pretty good to me though. She is afraid of me. I can scratch her little black nose if she tries to bite me.
Mommy was going to the hospital or some such place for a test and then somewhere for the weekend. You just never know what Mommy is going to do. Yesterday Daddy took me back to my house and Mommy was waiting there. I was sooo glad to see her. I ignored her though. I was mad at her for leaving me for the weekend even though I love Daddy very much. Then Mommy and Daddy played cards with Mommy's friend and I hung around being generally a royal pain in the neck as Mommy likes to say. I stayed up all day without a nap, so I was a little cranky. I actually slept in bed with Mommy all night and was a good cat for a change. (Mommy took the mirror down so I can't climb it any more. She spoils all my fun.)
Oh, and Mommy wants to say "Welcome to the world, Baby Bella! You are beautiful just like your mama."
Mommy was going to the hospital or some such place for a test and then somewhere for the weekend. You just never know what Mommy is going to do. Yesterday Daddy took me back to my house and Mommy was waiting there. I was sooo glad to see her. I ignored her though. I was mad at her for leaving me for the weekend even though I love Daddy very much. Then Mommy and Daddy played cards with Mommy's friend and I hung around being generally a royal pain in the neck as Mommy likes to say. I stayed up all day without a nap, so I was a little cranky. I actually slept in bed with Mommy all night and was a good cat for a change. (Mommy took the mirror down so I can't climb it any more. She spoils all my fun.)
Oh, and Mommy wants to say "Welcome to the world, Baby Bella! You are beautiful just like your mama."
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Naughty Day
Mommy is home sick today and she says I have never been naughtier in my life. First thing I did was wake her up by knocking things off the dresser. Knocking the paperweight off really got to her. Then I tried to pull the mirror off the wall. This is me and the mirror.
I know, I know, you can't see me very well, but I wasn't about to pose for Mommy. She's always trying to get me to pose. Hah! So I showed her my other end. I like to stand on my back legs and put my two little front feet on the top of the mirror and try to pull it down. So far I haven't been successful, but one of these days I'll get it down. It's just a matter of time. Mommy gets upset when I do this; the minute she starts to jump up out of bed I jump down off the dresser and run away. This is really a fun game; you should try it some time.
Later, after Mommy got up, I thought I'd get into the kitchen cupboards. I jumped up on the counter and tried to open the doors. I really wanted to open the doors and knock the dishes to the floor, but Mommy stopped me again. She really can be such an old fogey at times. Do you know what an old fogey is? No? Ask your mom. She'll explain it to you.
Later, after Mommy got up, I thought I'd get into the kitchen cupboards. I jumped up on the counter and tried to open the doors. I really wanted to open the doors and knock the dishes to the floor, but Mommy stopped me again. She really can be such an old fogey at times. Do you know what an old fogey is? No? Ask your mom. She'll explain it to you.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
For Owen
Mommy has a great-nephew whose name is Owen. Owen asked Mommy to take a picture of me sleeping. Mommy didn't have to wait very long. I like to take naps a few times a day. When I'm not taking a nap Mommy says I'm destroying the house. Oh well. I guess that's what makes me a bad cat.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Did I ever tell you my mommy likes to take pictures? Sometimes I like to go into her computer and look at them. This is one I found yesterday. She calls it "Reflections."
I wonder how she came up with that name.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Mommy Bought Me a New Bed
Yay! My mommy came home with a new bed for me today. She put it on the counter for me and I just love it. Does your mommy buy you nice things? Here I am in my new bed.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Hiding From Mommy Again
I decided to try and hide from my mommy, but she found me.
Mommy calls me a silly goose. I am NOT a goose!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
I Love Drawers
Mommy is cleaning out stuff and selling it on Craigslist. (It's a nuisance but I think she needs the money.) I hope she doesn't put me for sale on Craigslist. Would you buy me? Please no, I like my mommy. Anyway, Mommy emptied this drawer to sell the stuff inside and here I am making myself right at home.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Mommy went to Kate Sessions Park yesterday with bunches of people from work. One of her co-workers has a dog named Juno and Mommy took pictures of her. Juno loves to play fetch. Here is Juno and some action shots of her.
Now that's a happy dog!
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